Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (2024)

Engage NY Eureka Math 4th Grade Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Use the right angle template that you made in class to determine if each of the following angles is greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle. Label each as greater than, less than, or equal to, and then connect each angle to the correct label of acute, right, or obtuse. The first one has been completed for you.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (1)
In the above image, the acute angles will be a,b, i, and j.
In the above image, the right angles will be c and f.
In the above image, the obtuse angles will be d,e,g,h.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (2)
Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the acute angles will be a, b, i, and j.
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles will be c and f.
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles will be d, e, g, h.

Question 2.
Use your right angle template to identify acute, obtuse, and right angles within Picasso’s painting Factory, Horta de Ebbo. Trace at least two of each, label with points, and then name them in the table below the painting.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (3)
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (4)
In the above image the acute angles will be <GHI, <JKL.
In the above image the right angles will be <MKN, <PQR.
In the above image the obtuse angles will be <ABC, <DEF.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (5)
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (6)
Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the acute angles will be <GHI, <JKL.
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles will be <MKN, <PQR.
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles will be <ABC, <DEF.

Question 3.
Construct each of the following using a straightedge and the right angle template that you created. Explain the characteristics of each by comparing the angle to a right angle. Use the words greater than, less than, or equal to in your explanations.
a. Acute angle
Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle.

Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (7)

b. Right angle
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle.

Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (8)

c. Obtuse angle
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle.

Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (9)

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks to make true statements using one of the following words: acute, obtuse, right, straight.
a. In class, we made a __________________ angle when we folded paper twice.
In class, we made a right angle when we folded the paper twice.

By folding paper twice we will get a right angle triangle. As theright angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle.

b. An __________________ angle is smaller than a right angle.
An acute angle is smaller than a right angle.

An acute angle is smaller than a right angle. As the acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle.

c. An __________________ angle is larger than a right angle, but smaller than a straight angle.
An obtuse angle is larger than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle.

An obtuse angle is larger than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle. As the obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called the Obtuse angle.

Question 2.
Use a right angle template to identify the angles below.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (10)
a. Which angles are right angles? ____________________________________________________
In the above image, the right angles are <C and <G.

Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles are <C and <G.

b. Which angles are obtuse angles? __________________________________________________
In the above image, the obtuse angles are <B and <E.

Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles are <B and <E.

c. Which angles are acute angles? ___________________________________________________
In the above image, the obtuse angles are <A and <D.

Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles are <A and <D.

d. Which angles are straight angles? _________________________________________________
In the above image, the obtuse angles are <F and <H.

A straight line is a line that cannot be curved or bent and a line is an object in geometry that is characterized under the zero-width object that extends on both sides. The straight line is a line that extends to both sides to infinity and has no curves. So in the above image, the obtuse angles are <F and <H.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
Use the right angle template that you made in class to determine if each of the following angles is greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle. Label each as greater than, less than, or equal to, and then connect each angle to the correct label of acute, right, or obtuse. The first one has been completed for you.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (11)
In the above image, the acute angles will be a, e, h.
In the above image, the right angles will be g, j, b.
In the above image, the obtuse angles will be c, i, d, f.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (12)

Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the acute angles will be a, e, h.
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles will be g, j, b.
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles will be c, i, d, f.

Question 2.
Use your right angle template to identify acute, obtuse, and right angles within this painting.
Trace at least two of each, label with points, and then name them in the table below the painting.
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (13)
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (14)
In the above image, the acute angles will be <ABC, <DEF.
In the above image, the right angles will be <MNO, <PQR.
In the above image, the obtuse angles will be <GHI, <JKL.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (15)
Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (16)

Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the acute angles will be <ABC, <DEF.
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles will be <MNO, <PQR.
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles will be <GHI, <JKL.

Question 3.
Construct each of the following using a straightedge and the right angle template that you created. Explain the characteristics of each by comparing the angle to a right angle. Use the words greater than, less than, or equal to in your explanations.
a. Acute angle
Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (17)
Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle.

b. Right angle
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (18)
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle.

c. Obtuse angle
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (19)
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Template Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (20)
In the above image, the acute angles will be <D, <F.
In the above image, the right angles will be <A, <B, <E, <G.
In the above image, the obtuse angles will be <C, <H, <I, <J.

Acute angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees. In other words, we can say that the angle which is smaller than the right angle is also known as the Acute angle. So in the above image, the acute angles will be <D, <F.
Right angle: A right angle is an angle that has straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees which are perpendicular to each other at the intersection so that we will form a right angle. So in the above image, the right angles will be <A, <B, <E, <G.
Obtuse angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, so the angles that are longer than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle are called Obtuse angle. So in the above image, the obtuse angles will be <C, <H, <I, <J.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key (2024)


What grade does Eureka math go up to? ›

Eureka Math® is a holistic Prekindergarten through Grade 12 curriculum that carefully sequences mathematical progressions in expertly crafted modules, making math a joy to teach and learn. We provide in-depth professional development, learning materials, and a community of support.

What is math Eureka? ›

Eureka Math is a program that was written by teachers and math experts who wrote the curriculum to be aligned with the new college- and career-ready standards, which emphasize deeper learning, critical thinking, and conceptual understanding of math.

How was Eureka Math created? ›

In 2012 the New York State Education Department contracted with the organization that would become Great Minds to create an open educational resource (OER) math program for K–12 educators. We wrote EngageNY Math, and over time we developed that program into Eureka Math.

What are the four core components of a Eureka Math TEKS lesson? ›

Each lesson in A Story of Units is comprised of four critical components: fluency practice, concept development (including the problem set), application problem, and student debrief (including the Exit Ticket).

What is the hardest math grade? ›

Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

Is Eureka math good or bad? ›

Is Eureka Math a good curriculum? The answer to this question depends on the target audience. If you're a teacher in a public school who needs to cover State Standards and your goal is merely to prepare students for State tests, then Eureka may be a good curriculum for you.

How long should a Eureka Math lesson be? ›

Eureka Math is 1 hour for all grade levels (except in Kindergarten lessons are 50 minutes). We have always designed our elementary day with 1 hour dedicated to mathematics instruction.

What grade-level is Eureka Math? ›

Eureka Math Print Materials

New Learn, Practice, Succeed student workbooks (Grades K–8) offer teachers multiple ways to differentiate instruction, provide extra practice, and assess student learning, and are available in Armenian, Arabic, French, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish.

Why are schools using Eureka Math? ›

Eureka Math, a Common Core-aligned curriculum published by the non-profit Great Minds Inc., equates mathematical concepts to stories, with the aim of developing conceptual understanding.

Is Eureka Math spiral or mastery? ›

It's a spiral curriculum and level A was too easy for my daughter most of the year and some lessons are also fairly long, but it really builds a solid conceptual foundation and has a lot of games and materials to keep it interesting.

Who is the father of math Eureka? ›

Here's a closer look into this sudden discovery (the “Eureka!” moment): The famous Greek mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, a Greek colony in Sicily (an island now part of Italy).

What is Eureka Math 2? ›

Eureka Math²™ is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization to build enduring math knowledge. Its learning design allows your student to build a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics that will better prepare them for college, career, and beyond.

What are the 4 parts of the TEKS? ›

Explore how the TEKS are organized by Introduction, Knowledge and Skill Statement, Strand, and Student Expectations across a grade level or course. Recognize and differentiate between cognitive and content expectations noted in the TEKS.

Is Eureka math TEKS aligned? ›

Eureka Math TEKS Edition is aligned with TEKS standards. Students build an enduring understanding of mathematics topics through linked modules at every grade level with a special focus on the why and how behind the numbers.

What are the four components of the core 4? ›

That's what made the Core 4 Method by professional organizer Kayleen Kelly so appealing. She breaks down the decluttering process into four simple steps — clear out, categorize, cut out, and contain — that can be applied to any room in your home, without feeling overwhelmed.

What is the highest level of math in 9th grade? ›

9th grade math usually focuses on Algebra I, but can include other advanced mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry.

What grade does go math go up to? ›

K–6. HMH Go Math! for Grades K–6 is a core math program built using the 5E lesson design and helps teachers differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life.

What is the hardest math in 5th grade? ›

Some of the hardest math problems for fifth graders involve multiplying: multiplying using square models, multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form, and multiplying fractions using number lines.

What is advanced math in 8th grade called? ›

Almost every school district in the state offers an accelerated math option for selected students. These students take Algebra I in 8th grade. These students complete Algebra II, Geometry and Precalculus one year earlier than their peers. This allows them to take AP Calculus A/B in their senior year.

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